如果你在iCloud上保存了很多照片的话,就可以试试用这个iCloudPD来下载,该工具是一个 Python 脚本,可以帮助用户们下载电脑上的各种照片,满足你的图片下载需求,下面小编介绍一下它的具体使用方法,有需要的朋友们按照教程的步骤操作就可以顺利使用啦!
可以通过 pip 安装:
pip install icloudpd
icloudpd --directory ./Photos ⁄
--username testuser@appinn.com ⁄
--password pass1234 ⁄
--recent 500
Usage: icloudpd.py
Download all iCloud photos to a local directory
-d, --directory
-u, --username
-p, --password
keyring or prompt for password)
Directory to store cookies for
authentication (default: ~/.pyicloud)
--size [original|medium|thumb] Image size to download (default: original)
--live-photo-size [original|medium|thumb]
Live Photo video size to download (default:
--recent INTEGER RANGE Number of recent photos to download
(default: download all photos)
--until-found INTEGER RANGE Download most recently added photos until we
find x number of previously downloaded
consecutive photos (default: download all
-a, --album
-l, --list-albums Lists the avaliable albums
--skip-videos Don't download any videos (default: Download
all photos and videos)
--skip-live-photos Don't download any live photos (default:
Download live photos)
--force-size Only download the requested size (default:
download original if size is not available)
--auto-delete Scans the "Recently Deleted" folder and
deletes any files found in there. (If you
restore the photo in iCloud, it will be
downloaded again.)
--only-print-filenames Only prints the filenames of all files that
will be downloaded (not including files that
are already downloaded.)(Does not download
or delete any files.)
Folder structure (default: {:%Y/%m/%d})
--set-exif-datetime Write the DateTimeOriginal exif tag from
file creation date, if it doesn't exist.
Your SMTP username, for sending email
notifications when two-step authentication
Your SMTP password, for sending email
notifications when two-step authentication
--smtp-no-tls Pass this flag to disable TLS for SMTP (TLS
is required for Gmail)
Email address where you would like to
receive email notifications. Default: SMTP
--notification-script PATH Runs an external script when two factor
authentication expires. (path required:
--log-level [debug|info|error] Log level (default: debug)
--no-progress-bar Disables the one-line progress bar and
prints log messages on separate lines
(Progress bar is disabled by default if
there is no tty attached)
--threads-num INTEGER RANGE Number of cpu threads (default: 1)
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
一个 Python 脚本,在 GitHub 开源